J.C. Newman Cigar Company
Founded in 1895 by Julius Caeser Newman, J.C. Newman Cigar Company is the oldest family-owned premium cigar maker in America. For four generations and 126 years, J.C. Newman has been handcrafting many of the world’s finest cigars. J.C. Newman is headquartered in an iconic 111-year-old cigar factory in the Ybor City National Historic Landmark District in Tampa, Florida. At this factory, known as “El Reloj,” J.C. Newman rolls premium cigars both by hand and by hand-operated, antique cigar machines.
The J.C. Newman PENSA cigar factory is the second largest in Nicaragua and is where Brick House, Perla del Mar, El Baton, and Quorum cigars are hand rolled. J.C. Newman’s Diamond Crown, MAXIMUS, Julius Caeser, and Black Diamond cigars are handmade by Tabacalera A. Fuente in the Dominican Republic. With its longtime partners the Arturo Fuente family, the Newmans founded the Cigar Family Charitable Foundation, which supports low-income families in the Dominican Republic with education, health care, vocational training, and clean water.
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In celebration of J.C. Newman Cigar Company’s 100th Anniversary in 1995, Stanford Newman joined Carlos Fuente, Sr., to develop an exceptional series of Super Premium cigars. Stanford dreamed of making the best cigar in the world with no regard for how long it would take or how much it would cost, his dream was realized in the Diamond Crown cigar.
Stanford, Eric, and Bobby Newman with Carlos Fuente, Sr. and Jr. at Tabacalera A. Fuente (1997)
Each Diamond Crown cigar passes through three inspections and is aged in lots of 50 in cedar curing rooms for a minimum of twelve months. Additionally, Carlos Fuente selected only the most skilled cigar makers for Diamond Crown, paying them a fixed top rate of pay. Therefore, Diamond Crown cigar maker’s incentive is to make the best, rather than the most cigars.
Diamond Crown’s exceptional taste comes from the five-year-old Connecticut Fermented Wrapper. Unlike most quality tobacco wrappers, normally given a single fermentation, Diamond Crown wrappers are conditioned, graded and selected for a second fermentation. It is this “second curing” that evens and develops the Rosado color of the tobacco wrapper and eliminates any potential rawness, accounting for much of Diamond Crown’s sweet, smooth, richer flavor.
Stanford, Eric, and Bobby Newman with Wayne Suarez and Jim Belushi (1996)
8 1/2″ x 54
7 1/2″ x 54
6 3/4″ x 54
6 1/2″ x 54
6″ x 46/54
5 1/2″ x 54
5″ x 58
4 1/2″ x 54
WRAPPER: Connecticut Shade (Natural) CFW
BINDER: Dominican
FILLER: Selection of 5 different fillers from the Caribbean and Central America
FACTORY: Tabacalera A. Fuente
AGE: 5 years
Cigar Aficionado: 92
Cigar & Spirits: 93
Cigar Insider: 90
Cigar Journal: 90
Smoke Magazine: 93
6 1/2″ x 54
6 3/4″ x 54
6″ x 46/54
5 1/2″ x 54
4 1/2″ x 54
WRAPPER: Connecticut Broadleaf
BINDER: Dominican
FILLER: Selection of 5 different fillers from the Caribbean and Central America
FACTORY: Tabacalera A. Fuente
Cigar & Spirits: 92
Cigar Journal: 93
Cigar Snob: 91
Smoke Magazine: 90